Route & Schedule

General Route
With checking out Africa as the main objective, the big question was East Coast or West Coast. The conclusion was that West Coast would be more diverse with the large collections of smaller countries, slightly safer, and a bit less traveled.

The next big question was whether to start from Dublin or Morocco. Conclusion was that for the sake of a month it would be cool to be able to go all the way. A European segment would also provide a training ground in 1st world surroundings.

Rough Schedule
Hoping to cover 500km a week which allows for at least 1 rest day and 1 day for touristy stuff if there are good enough roads to cover 100 or 125k a day.

Kick Off - October 2nd 2012
Dublin to Wexford & ferry to Cherbourg, France & Spain
Morocco & Western Sahara start
Western Sahara finish & Mauritania
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Bissau & Sierra Leone
Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana & Togo
Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon
Congo & Angola
Angola ctd. &Namibia
Namibia ctd. & South Africa