Lessons Learned & Cost

Lessons Learned (work in progress)
  1. Research as much as possible in advance! ... climates, roads, topography, routes.
  2. Don't rush or you will miss the good stuff! On bad roads 400km is enough per week.
  3. Start at sunset and you will have a relaxed, stress free day. In the heat, it will allow you time for afternoon breaks.
  4. Don't spend too long in the one region/subcontinent as you will get bored.
  5. Google Maps is no replacement for paper maps (e.g. Michelin Maps). Best to use the two together.
  6. Don't rely on local knowledge but do use it! Many times locals shockingly don't know what's around the corner but its good to verify what you know with them.
  7. Some equipment is essential while others is not. You don't need the most amazing bike but water bag/ water filter, good quality tent.
  8. Use good quality equipment. Cheap weekend warrier equipment is not designed for continuos daily use. 
  9. ................tbc

Bike, Camping, Clothes etc ~ €2,500
Vaccinations, Medication ~ €750
Electronics ~ €500

In black Africa 15 euros a day was more than enough to budget, assuming you were camping the majority of the time. This excludes visas (€100 per country) and any other extraordinary costs. Some days you were only spending 2 euros whereas other days in the big cities you could spend 30.